spinning: suga suga ~ frankie j

Tuesday, September 30, 2003


So today, turned out pretty good..
I coudln't sleep last night, which was really bad for my class-time...but s'ok...
I was late to meet Shellen but she didn't end up wanting to use the discount card for CN Tower...and my RLG class wasn't so bad. My EAS was so much fun, my new friends and I decided to play HANG MAN while the rest of the class was doing work in the workbook - all of us forgot to bring ours..hehe whoops.
ANyways, I LOST on FLUBBER...what the HECk kinda movie is that?! hahah..K, i KNOW it's an actual movie but I never saw it...so I'm the only one that lost...darn...but that class was hilarious. It took us prolly 30 mins for the prof to actually get it going. She tends to repeat things, just like my parents...find every possible way of making ONE fact sound interesting, in 4 different ways. She tries to be creative, but it's just the same darn thing=)
Then, my FOUR HOUR lecture for my Japanese Cinema...ugh, by 3:00 I was DYING. And luckily, CLem called me mid-movie! YAY!!! hehe...so we talked for a lil' while=) We're going to the ROM, then the AGO!! I'm excited!!! I've never been to the AGO and I haven't REALLY been to the ROM since my elementary school days...hmm, I wonder did I even go when I was in elementary school? I can't remember....but yah, AND we're going shopping on the weekend!!!! OUTLET MALL shopping!!! I think I really need it...I need clothes for work, I look like such a bum compared to everyone else! But they're nice, they're like you're young..you can get away with it..haha That's not so good, but my boss doesn't get super dressed up ...so I don't think I'm in trouble.
So...yah..that was my day=)
OHhhh, and I couldn't resist..I watched Gilmore Girls JUST now, and...*sigh* I wish MY first day of university was as much fun as Rory's. Her mom's too cool...I wanna live in a res that looks like an apartment!! Goshdarnit. hehe...ahh well...I'll just live through the show=)

Monday, September 29, 2003

Feelin' a bit better 

Alright, so the day didn't go by too badly.
I woke up earlier than normal (9am - HEY! I had 12pm class..haha) and I finished reading this article for RLG203 and did my stupid one page 'reponse'. It's not even a response because I'm supposed to regurgitate what I read, not what I think...ahh well. The prof for that isn't so bad so I can't complain.
Went to my GLG class and I REFUSED to allow myself to leave and stayed the whole time! Yay! I took notes too!!! I've got a test for it next week so I gotta do my reviewing and studying.
Then haha, I called Shellen and told her I forgot the discount card at home..whoops..and that I'd meet her tomorrow=)
Went to go a metropass, there was a BIG lineup from the SAC office...took me 30 mins!!! But oh well glad I already ate lunch..so I was hanging out with Pauline for a while...and guess who I saw! Eddie! haha, ok not Mel's eddie..but EDWIN! haha that was funny...he hasn't been to a full week of classes this entire year! haha he was watching Dawson's creek this morning..what a dork!=) But he watches Gilmore Girls..so it ALMOST balances out..(not quite though!!!) 22 yr old...haha that's too funny...
Anyways, so I went to my class, talked to ppl in my group found out most of them haven't really started the assignment due next week either so I'm feeling a lil' OK. Two of them did it though, and they were kinda giving us the answers..whoohoo!!=)
Got out on time, waiting on the streetcar platform and who do I see leaving Wilson?! JENN!!! haha she's so much fun to laugh at..gets into the worst situations possible...anyways so I came home with her..cuz she had to work..and that was a day=)
Now I've gotta hit the books...and try and catch up!

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Screw up 

That's me....and it pisses me off.
I honestly feel sometimes I don't feel like I can do anything right.

Friday, September 26, 2003


a HAPPY camper.

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Sigh of RELIEF 

Wow...lotsa commotion and drama in the past couple of days.
Things are OK though, at least I'm working them out to be.
Four years ago today...changed my life, for the better.
I've been reminscing and there've been so many things that have happened... and all for making me a stronger and better person. So many things, badminton team - where we won=) TFSAAA? I dunno I can't even remember what the letters mean anymore, YG chair, softball assistant and head coach, Montreal trips...just so many things...and all of them are because you were there, encouraging me and supporting me. "All because of you..."
So I want to thank you, for caring for me, loving me, pushing me to be a better person...I dont' know what road I would have ended up on, I don't knwo where I would be right now but I'm glad I've got you, and I'm glad that we've been through everything that has tested us...and I'm glad that we're here. I'm happy that you're here.
I love you, with all my heart...because you love me..and so many other reasons...but I can't post 'em all here!
Forever in my heart.
September 25, 1999 - the best night of my life=)

Tuesday, September 23, 2003


Ok, this is a message to all of you who read my blog:
If at ANY point, I call your house or cell phone and you just happen to be in the facilities during my call, do me a favour...and DO NOT pick UP!!!!! I won't be offended I won't be pissed off or ANYTHING, just call me back later. I assure you that there is NOTHING that important that it can't wait the 5 mins(or however long it takes) for you to .... finish up your business.
I was on my break from my Japanese Cinema class today, when...in the stall next to mine, I hear a cell phone ring. Now I can't exactly tell what she was doing, sitting on the can...or just standing in the stall..but she was on the phone for the duration of the time that I was IN the washroom itself. She apparently was having TROUBLE hearing her friend (probably cuz there were lots of FLUSHINGS) and she kept telling her friend to meet her @ INNIS!!! If I was her friend I"d say, OMG is that FLUSHING in the background? ... HOOOOLY! THey just had an entire conversation while she was in there...and I'm like, Ok note to self: remind all the people you know NEVER to pick up the phone when they're on the can. That was just a lil' disturbing.!!!

For some reason, I'm finding my 8 hours straight of classes on Tuesdays NOT that bad. I guess cuz Monday nights I make sure that I have a good solid 8 hours of sleep..to start the day and since they're all consecutive, I don't really have that much time to let myself relax..and am just constantly in the state of...taking notes, paying attention...I didn't even really fall asleep today!=)

To you:
I've said this already but I'll say it again...
Just because it's not my fault, doesn't mean that I can't help make things better. In the past, even when it wasn't my fault, I've disappointed. I know that I have, and this time..and from now on, I promised myself and you that I wans't going to sit around and let you work things out on your own anymore. I'm here for you..always & forever...you know that..right? Well if you don't..I'm telling you..I'm not scared anymore. No more 20%....it's at zero. If you don't want me to help, then that's a different story..but I'm not gonna stop trying until you tell me so. I hope you do feel better...and...hope you're smiling very soon...

Monday, September 22, 2003


So I don't know what to say. I guess I can start off with, I really can't wait to get my own *PUPPY*. Mocha really grew on me these few days. It was nice to come home to a wagging tail - and it's wagging cuz YOU'RE there=). He was a really good dog, he never peed on me or anywhere in the house (while I was home..haha my mom had to do it) and he was cute. I loved when he'd just sit there staring at you, the way his hind legs folded underneath himself...it was adorable=). It made my parents happy too, having him around. Even though my mom says that she would prefer to be alone during the day, she still enjoyed his company. My dad had a lot of fun with him too...my dad used to have a dog when he was little so he likes them a lot. ONLY they won't get me one!!! arggggggg...I think we should..hehe

And I've started to notice, my mom seems to be...since more recently there have been a lot of weddings, and now my two cousins are getting married - well Arfy in October and Joanne later on next year, but my mom keeps mentioning stuff. Like "oooh look at these pictures, look at how they set them up..." and I asked her why she kept showing me these things and she said "well just in case for the future, so you know what you'll want your wedding to be like or what it'll look like....etc.." I found that really odd. She's asked me stuff, regarding my current status..and well, frankly, I don't wanna talk to her about it! She often asks at the WRONG time..or the WRONG things!!!=) But she doesn't push or anything so that's fine. I've had some of the ODDEST conversations with her before...like her telling me who I should go after because so-and-so is good looking...we WON'T get into that.

Then there's my cutie=). He makes me smile...I was watching a film in my Jap cinemas class the other day, and it made me realize something...this guy was giving his daughter away in marriage and they were having one of those "last night talks". He told her, "It doesn't greatly matter what happens in the beginning, you can cry you can laugh, you can have the best or worst time, but it's what happens in the long run that really counts." Then he went on about how his wife had cried quite frequently because of their marriage, but maybe 5-10 yrs down the road, because of their hardwork and devotion to each other, it was then that they were truly happy. And now, that I look back and reminsce, and think about things now....I find it to be so true. (if you disagree with me, fair enough...) But, more recently so, it's because of the tears and pushing each other to work hard for this relationship that I am truly happy. He is what makes me smile for the majority of the day...knowing that he'll always try with me, that he'll always be there for me...gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling. There've been so many times in which I thought he'd give up on me, where I thought I had pushed him to the edge and that was it...but, for some reason...he never turned his back on me. Not even when we 'weren't together'...he never did, not once. He was always there, he always supported me in everything that I did...and it's now that I can rest assure that things will always be good with him, because of our dedication and love...together we can do anything=). And to you, I have so much to be thankful and grateful for.

Saturday, September 20, 2003

Man I hate readings 

So Hurricane Isabel is no longer here! I TOLD YA that the media (and other people) hype things up too much, now they look foolish as they have to 'un-bolt' their chairs/plants etc. hehe I wasn't out much yesterday but it didn't sound like it was raining so hard...a full day of work for me!
My bosses had their monthly meeting with me yesterday. I don't greatly mind them, but it is kinda scary that..you're facing the head honcho and the assistant honcho is blocking the door! hehe...but they said that they're very happy with my work, I'm excellent on the phones and I'm doing a really good job. I know that they mention it to everyone, but now, they've decided to remove all of MSN from our computers! haha..my colleague told me before I had that meeting. So id idn't look all that "shocked"...quite non-chalant if I remember correctly...well I can't look shocked, otherwise they'll know that I use it at work!=) I even resort to using, i think, 5.0 so I have that handy lil' manoeuvre to hide EVERYTHING with a CTRL+space bar! So yah, that didn't go so poorly, I like it when bosses (or people=) tell me that I'm doing a good job and to keep it up! hehe

Mocha hasn't been as bad, he still gets really excited but he listens to me=) He's cute though, I don't know if they play with him that much, he doesn't quite know what or how to play with a tennis ball. He runs around and tries to get you to play with him...and it was so cute this morning, I left his leash on as he was running around in the backyard...and he felt that it was dragging him down, so he bit it and ran around with it in his mouth! Ok, I must be boring you now...

So tonight's the church's 12th anniversary dinner..and Clem's coming too! YAY!=) It's at Elegantview and my mom has DEFINITELY made a huge deal out of this thing. She's been preparing the seating 2 weeks in advance! At one point I even forgot to hit save for her and she lost a good bunch of what she did that day..whoops. Man I don't know how I feel about this church...I don't know if I should stay or if I should go. A lot of stuff/crap has gone down in this church and I love the people in it..but all the drama, politics..craziness...has really gotten to me. No offense to anyone that reads this, but I'm not a big "Bible Hugger". I don't evangelize like mad, just because I feel that religion is more of a personal thing. I can bring someone up to the door, but I sure am not going to force them through it. It would take a lot for me to even bring up the idea of greatly encouraging someone to go to church, I'd have to make sure that they were OK with it...and weren't uncomfortable at the idea. So with that, I'd have to consider which one I may move to, if I do. I've had a lot of memories from this church, softball, camping, 30 hr famines, and just generally growing up here with the same familiar faces for the past 20 years. A lot of them ARE like siblings to me, a lot of them have my back and I theirs. Hehe...my cop buddy..who said that if he ever caught me speeding he'd laugh and let me go!...saweeeet=)
Anyways, I've got that to think about...and well I hate readings. Don't you? I mean how do they expect you to read SO much and NOT fall asleep? I've gotten my 'wandering mind', a little more under control these days (haha yet i'm writing this blog as I shoudl be reading!) but the whole...falling asleep factor sometimes plays a role. I've tried to do my readings when there's sunlight out, so we'll see how well that goes.

ANyways I better get going...Mocha's probably driving my mom crazy downstairs and I gotta hit those books!

Someone teach me how to add a hit/comment counter!8)

Thursday, September 18, 2003


haha, so I didn't REALLY get a puppy...Shellen & Shereen are going away for a cousin's wedding or something in Van City so I get to take care of their Cocker SPaniel "MOCHA" for them.
Hmm, so what's happened in the past few days, not too much! I had a regular week of school...my Japanese Cinema class has SO MUCH to read! It's almost kind of an intro course to cinema...it's interesting and all, but in the first week I had more than like 70 pages alone!
I think the one I'm most interested in, surprise surprise?, is EAS100 - Intro to Mandarin! I met a couple of people in it, they're pretty cool...the three of us are pretty CLUELESS and pretty much 70% of the people in it are cheating the system. ...so BOO on them! One guy, who was sitting beside me today thought I was one of them cuz apparently my chinese writing looked really good - WHATEVER! It looks like a piece of crap! haha

So..things are better:) We kinda had a talk, and things are figured out..I hope. I know I'm going to try..none of this..hurtin' no more. I hate it...boooo 143...637.
Tell her I'm sorry...whatever she takes it to be, I mean it though.

So there's supposed to be a crazy storm this weekend?! Hurricane Isabel's remnants are supposed to hit us! AHHH! hehe I dunno I'm not that scared...but it seems like a lot of people are freaking out...I don't like the media..they always make things too big...

Arighty, I gotta go do somework...does anyone know how to add a 'comment section' to blogs? I know Donna does..but I never talk/see that girl online anymore! Someone let me know if you do..thanks!=)
Take care!
Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREIG!=) I miss my HS friends.....UT is too big to see familiar faces everyday:(

Monday, September 15, 2003

Decent Day.. 

So I woke up this morning thinking: "Darnit, why didn't I go to bed when my mom told me to? Why are you stupid enough to book yourself available for work on a MONDAY morning?". With that, I slapped myself and threw my body out of bed. Got dressed, and off to work I went. I was NOT a happy camper today. People calling in were so annoying, and there were SOO many of them! Technically, there were supposed to be 4 people on phone-duty (the 5th guy just had a baby!!! he's coming back on Wednesday and I wanna see pics!) but TWO of them didn't pick up ONE phone call for like 2.5 hours!!! So it was myself and Karen, the other part timer who took ALL of them. I HATE that! SO yeah, a lot of them were dumb and stupid and screaming at us because they coudln't get a freakin' free pen! Geez, I'd love to throw pens at them, that'd be wonderful, almost like darts. Grrrrr...
Anyways, 11:45 rolled around, I wasn't even technically done all my work but I had to ask Carmen to do it for me since I was already running late!
So yeah, I left for class and thank goodness I found out that the subway had a direct entrance to the OISE building...and I was actually early! I coudln't find Emily so I could sit beside her, and I ended up sitting between two girls...one who wrote EVERYTHING down, and the other was like me, coudln't care less! haha Well the only reason being that the prof posts everything on the website, so there really sin't anything you need to write - beauty!
Anyways, I kinda fell asleep through that for a little bit, I guess I got the gist of it, and then left. I saw Mel's bf..hehe he shaved his head..! Anyways...so I head off to good ole' Wetmore and who do I see?! MY GANG!!! and Yoyo and her friend Carmen! That's always nice, always good to see good buddies. Pauline hadn't had lunch yet so I went with her to SS and she got her pasta there...ooooh man, they're sooo slwo there. IT can drive ANYONE crazy. Yada yada...hung out for a bit, went to class...and I got to get my group better...they're pretty nice people. A couple of them are also RLG majors and there's this one guy, who knows nothing about Christianity but he seems really interested. He went OUT to buy the Bible and he was apparently reading it! But yeah that was a good class, I think I'm going to enjoy that...despite the prof's lack of explanations for assignments...

So on the subway home, I was trying to think of where a good place to go for dinner would be. I've got a big date on Thursday and I wasn't quite sure what would be 'the perfect place'. I've got the main gist of the night down, what's going to happen and where..but just the dinner that I can't decide upon!:)
So..here's my question to you, even though you can't really reply to me..but what's your favourite restaurant? Where would you take a hot date? hahah Go to my AA webpage and reply in the GB! thanks!

Sunday, September 14, 2003


So I have a softball tourney in about an hour and I don't know if I should go downtown or not, just cuz it's raining and some people are expecting to see me there. Darnit. It stinks, I hate rain...I wanna play but I also don't mind not. I just wanna crawl into bed and not come out for the next week or so.

No one's really going to understand this...but well this is MY blog and this is where I bitch/talk about stuff..so don't complain if you don't get it.
Why can't YOU go away? Why must you continuously haunt me and trouble me? I hate the fact that it's so indirect and it still bothers me. There's just something about you that makes me feel uneasy, so uncomfortable. Why can't you just leave things the way that they were left...you weren't wanted, you never were. You may have thought you were, but you aren't and if I have any say, you never will. I can't even put all blame on you, because you don't owe me anything. Despite what you may believe, I don't owe you anything either. I wish you would just go away, far far away. Things were going so well, until you 'showed up'. Everything just went downhill and I hate that it makes my mind go crazy and doubt things. I dislike you, a lot. I can't say that I hate you because I refuse to get to know you. Just leave me alone....//

Have you ever...been in a position, where you were doing pretty well, things were going great and you were happy..and just paused, to think, "oh sh*t, I'm flying high, i'm bound to fall." I know some of my friends have, and I hate it. I hate the fact that your happiness or joy can be completely halted just because your mind starts thinking and wandering away from the present. I hate the fact that you can put full trust into someone/thing, and in mere seconds, have that trust taken away. Nothing even needs to happen, but just the thought of it possibly occcuring can suck ass. I'm scared of getting hurt...no one likes pain, I can't even say that I've experienced that much of it in my lifetime. Not merely as much as some people that I know, but who's to compare emotions right? *sigh*
I have no solution to this, except I guess bitching about it here...so I'm sorry for those who read it, I think I know only ONE person who does...and to you, I hope you're doing better. I hope this week is much better than the last; try to stop thinking and dwelling on such things. Just look forward, enjoy the present...and always know I'm ready and willing to listen. Take care=)

OK, so I am going down to softball with Yvonne & Darryl...we'll see how far we get. Check ya later.

Thursday, September 11, 2003


So today, my class of GLG105 - which is apparently nicknamed "Rock for Jocks"??? - was DAMn boring and well, now I understand why Sarah's friends never went to lectures. Everything is posted on the website and I didn't even get half a page of notes - just cuz I didn't need to, i'll print up the notes @ work:)
So yah, that was an hour, and I sat beside Emily who just so happened to walk in right in front of me! We were laughing at the prof and how he was saying "This here...is a volcanoe..." hahahha I'm greatly depending on this as a GPA raiser!
Afterwards I was looking around like mad for someone to lend me their T-card...Pauline let me borrow hers! (ended up wilf finding alan to borrow his..so it's all good:)..anyways, I swear that girl reminds me SO MUCH of Eileen! Darryl agrees...her and Eileen are almost long-lost twins!! They talk alike, think similarly...I think, I dunno..but yeh, maybe it's cuz I miss Eileen..haven't seen her...hmm, in quite a while now! She used to be our crazy 'cheerleader' during softball and her loudness was definitely missed this season.. So yah, I hung out with Pauline for a while til we had class @ 2...and yeh I ended up talking to Denise after class! It's kind of odd, how, oh, maybe 11 years ago, we were best friends - my mom said that way back, I used to call her my 'sister' - and now..we 'find' each other again at school and it seems like we're complete strangers..even though we used to be such good friends. k, now i'm sounding a lil' gay..anyways we exchanged numbers and figured we'd see each other in classes next week.

After that, I got out of class like 20 mins early and so I went back to Wetmore to do some reading...good ole' Catcher in the Rye=) But then CLem called me almost immediately! The silly *but definitely very cute* boy didn't LISTEN to my instructions! He walked ALL the way to St George for no good reason! Well, yeh he had a good reason, he thought that was where I was meeting him! So then I told him to turn around and that I'd meet him along the way...I had the BIGGEST smile when I saw him. He makes me feel nice..and I dunno, him being at MY school..made me feel good, I knew that he wasn't there to see JUST me...cuz we were going to play tennis..but..it was really nice.. It took him a really long time to get down there, almost an hour and a half...and..I dunno..it was good to see him, on Willcocks, at U of T.
The ride up home wasn't so bad, a little cramped but we also ran into Robbie Kidnie so we talked to him for a while..and then we got to be by ourselves for a little bit - plus the other ppl on the subway. I miss those days, where we used to travel to and from school together. I doin't know why I miss them or why I enjoyed them so much, I just did. I'm a big freak ya know=) I guess mostly cuz, there isn't too much to do except talk and just have a conversation. We were "travelling" but neither of us were the ones driving or we weren't walking somehwere.
I love him, I really do. I love everything about him..his smile, his humour, his company, his comfort, love, warmth and overall kindness. He's what makes me heart melt...:)

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Crazy Dreams... 

So last night, I had the ultimate weird dream. I can't entirely remember the dream..but I remember most parts.
I was with a group of friends, whom I don't recognize now, but we were just riding the TTC subways for FUN?! So messed up...anyways, apparently someone that I was with, recognized this guy that I used to have a huge crush on, Colin Pyle. He apparently was still as hot as he used to be when I was in gr 9 (and he was in 11) but somehow, for some reason, he recognized me. To this day, I think he KNOWS of me as that "crazy chinese girl that likes me a lot"; mostly cuz Gill went and TOLD him in gr 10...haha That was some good laughs before he graduated, she helped me take PICTUREs of him...someone ended up finding pics of him that were taken by the yearbook committee that year. I STILL have those pics somewhere in an album..haha Ohh man, the memories of my adolescent crushes...there were so many...so many that were 2 years older...but now, NOW i've found my prince charming=)
Wow, I can't believe how long ago that seems...man, I was a crazy girl when I was in HS...hehe Ahh well, it was good times, and most people got a great laugh from me!
Anyways...yeh that's all that i can remember from my dream, which is so weird cuz I haven't even THoUGHT about that guy in so long....
alrighty off to school I go.
Work was a lil' hectic this morning!

Monday, September 08, 2003

First Day of Second Year 

Three words: "Yah UT Admin!"
So, my GLG class seems kind of boring and i can see why Sarah and her friend(s) skipped all but two classes last year, but I'm frankly too scared to do that, despite their showing of 98% as a final mark! I believe I saw Emily McKenna in that class so YAY, I know someone!...but i'll talk to and look for her on Wednesday.

So back to my "UT ADMIN", at 2pm, I walk to HI find Cartwright Hall and I'm puzzled. Why do you ask? The classroom is FULL of people, and there are already tons of people waiting outside of the classroom. After asking around, we discover that the good ole' admin has double booked the room, one for RLG203 and the other for some ECO class. Everyone's all confused as to who's classroom it actually was but of course, being good and obedient students, we wait until both profs get there and they went to figure things out. So after a little bit of discussing, Dr Adam Lehto (my prof, very cool guy) told us to head outside and so there we sat, on Devonshire Pl....all 70 of us or so, sitting on the grass listening to this guy discuss the curriculum and such. It was cute! Heheh....good times. I saw my OLD best friend, Denise Tam..and I'm going to try and talk to her on Wednesday too so that I'll know someone in that class as well!!!

Anyways, that's about it for my first day of second year. Hope you had a good day too!! I'm off to play tennis!

Saturday, September 06, 2003

Today's Youth --> GRRR 

K, I'm not talking about today's 17/18 year olds...I'm talking about the fresh lil' 13 yr olds who are wearing makeup, dressing like Christina/Britney and got the attitude of a snobby yuppie. So after lunch today with some old family friends, my parents and I went to the Bamburgh Circle supermarket (yay! I finally got new glasses!!) and as my mom's walking to the check out, I"m following behind her and this little, I swear she was 14ish, gave my mom this "LOOK" as if to look her up and down. Now, don't think anything by that...my mom, as I've been told, dresses quite well and is "always put together". (my dad even asked her why she had to "dress up" since they're going to play MJ later today) My mom obviously didn't notice, but I was walking behind her and I see this little kid...Im' like WTF? What the hell are you looking at? I get this ALL the time, and for a 'kid' to get me mad or annoyed, it usually takes a little bit more than the usual regular person. I just spent 4 straight days with 17/18 yr olds and they were super cool. I could tell some of them didn't want to do some of our activities, and yeh, I can see why some of them think some stuff is lame...but like, why only the "fresh teenie weenies" think they're so hot? I don't understand..like they can be slapped around SO easily...not to say that I'd do it, but I'd like to take part in the laughing of it all.
I really hope that I wasn't like that when I was little...I don't think I was, I think I was intimidated when I was in gr 7/8...well mostly 7 just cuz it was a brand new school and I didn't know ANYBODY. Geez...what to do with these lil' punks.
Anyways yeah, so I got new glasses!!! They're kinda more 'trendy', but not super trendy. I asked for this AWESOME 'chromed' out box..haha..we kept bargaining with the ladies...for a better price..yah Chinese stores! I've been going there since I"ve needed glasses *age 4* so they know me personally by name! I just walk in and they're like "Hi Denise, are you getting new glasses today?" hehehe...so funny. Apparently Brian's aunt works there? I don't know if she knows my name but the other two do...so my guess is she might.
Hey does anyone wanna go on a 5$ canoe trip?! My friend Paulinee weeniee..*hey Brendan calls her that!* is organizing an "Eco-Challenge" and well it's basically canoeing for the entire day *Sept 20th* and it's ONLY 5$!!!!! Such a deal! You coudln't even rent a canoe for an HOUR for 5$!!!
i need a group of 4...Clem-Clem's gonna try and take the day off...and then Iv'e got a dinner banquet for the church's anniversary that Clem's gonna come to too=) Anyways I really shoudl get my room cleaned up...it's not even THAT messy...it's just everytime my mom threatens me with the "Your room better be cleaned before you step out of the house" means that I basically grab all the clothes that have managed to pile up on my chair and dump it into my closet somewhere..haha or my drawers, whichever fits better!
I wanna play some tennis!!!!! It's damn nice outside and it's the LAST weekend of the summer...Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Friday, September 05, 2003

I love my FROSH:) 

I have the coolest frosh in the whole world. So last night, the dinner was nothing BIG at all. It sucked, except the dessert..that was mad good cake!!! hehe
Anyways, so after the stupid Awards Ceremony in the freakin' COLD quad...we headed out to Afterlife. We were one of the first groups there so we were first on the dance floor and so y'know, we formed the regular circle, and most people took their turn in the middle dancing it up. Haha, Brendan and the rest of 'em FORCED me into the middle, but at least I didn't have to dance alone *wink*:)
Anyways, that was fun, dancing up with my froshies..they were so funny! Anika and Amanda are HILARIOUS...I hope I still get to talk to them outside of this week...Anika lives in Wetmore but Amanda is a commuter. It's CRAZY though, she's like BEST friends with Shayna!!! Apparently they used to swim @ Champs and they've known each other since they were like 8 or something? I dunno..but I've got to tell Shayna!! heh
So yeh, last night was fun..til it got super packed...man, there were so many people. Some stupid idiotic frosh was like hitting on me....one word: EW. That was so wrong, and disgusting.
Ohhh, and then a lil' later...we were all dancing around and out of NOWHERE this guy and girl walked RIGHT in, starting GRINDING in front of all of us, we were appalled. It was disgusting..and I know that girl - definitely not a fan of hers - and she's got a BOYFRIEND. Yeh, way to be. Apparently she's been doing that EVERY night...nastiness.
Anyways, so after like..almost upchucking our nasty pasta we had for dinner, Anika is like "WTF?! get the hell out of here! We don't need to see this, go dance over there!" and she pushes them away..haha That was friggin' hilarious.
That girl pisses me off....ugh, she thinks she's so cool...and hot..YUCK.
After that, I went to get a drink with one of my froshies, Kevin, and the stupid bartender was so dumb...we left her NO tip cuz she was so retarded. She didn't know how to make the drinks and had to refer to the other bartender(s). The drinks were so expensive!! 5.25$ for a SHOT! What the HECK!?
I was like, there's no way I'm leaving ANY tip..she seemed to be giving different people different prices anyways...so I had my shot and then kinda tried to look for my friends back on the dance floor but couldn't find them..and it was so packed already so I just headed home. Good timing too cuz by the time I got home my feet were SO tired and painful.
SO today, wasn't all that exciting, just had lunch in the back campus and then they headed off for the parade and I came home...I didn't wanna get wet...
So now, I'm home and I should probably clean my room, maybe relax and watch some tele:) School's starting..DAYMN.

Thursday, September 04, 2003


So, I'm d/t right now @ the NEW building...omg, I'm in Mel's room as I'm typing this and I am SUPER jealous...I wish I could live here!! It's so nice the new place, it looks like a loft almost...I'm so going to be crashing here during the school year!
So frosh week is almost over, and it's been somewhat fun. I have to admit I haven't done the best job of being a frosh leader but it seems like my froshies still love me:)
I didn't go on the boat cruise, just cuz..well I don't like the idea of just eating crap food, dancing and being stuck on the boat for like 4 hours. I went out with Clem instead:) Tonight we're having this big dinner and then going clubbing again.so we'll see how that goes...
School's starting:(, gotta focus again....gotta work damn hard
anyways I gotta shower before the dinner, so I'll post more next time!!!

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